AOBenchをF#で実装した。 で開催されているAOBenchをF#にて実装しました。

速度はCore2Duo T8100 2.1GHzで約9.4秒でした。



open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Imaging
open System.IO
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open System.Diagnostics

let IMAGE_WIDTH = 256;
let IMAGE_HEIGHT  = 256;
let NSUBSAMPLES   = 2;
let NAO_SAMPLES   = 8;     // # of sample rays for ambient occlusion

type Vec(x:double, y:double, z:double) = 
    member v.x = x
    member v.y = y
    member v.z = z
    member v.length = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
let vdot(v0:Vec, v1:Vec) =
    v0.x * v1.x + v0.y * v1.y + v0.z * v1.z
let vadd(v0:Vec, v1:Vec) =
let vsub(v0:Vec, v1:Vec) =
let vcross(v0:Vec, v1:Vec) =
    Vec(v0.y * v1.z - v0.z * v1.y,v0.z * v1.x - v0.x * v1.z,v0.x * v1.y - v0.y * v1.x)
let vnormalize(v:Vec) = 
    let l = 1.0/v.length in
type HitInfo = 
    | Hit of double * Vec * Vec (* distance, position, normal *)
    | NoHit
type Ray(o:Vec,d:Vec) =
    member = o
    member r.dir = d
    member r.pos t = vadd(, Vec(r.dir.x*t,r.dir.y*t,r.dir.z*t))
type IGeometry = 
    abstract intersect: Ray * double -> HitInfo
type Sphere(c:Vec,r:double) =
    member s.c = c
    member s.r2 = r * r
    interface IGeometry with 
        member s.intersect(r:Ray, dist:double)= 
            let rs = vsub(,s.c)    in
            let B  = vdot(rs,r.dir)     in
            let C  = vdot(rs,rs) - s.r2 in
            let D  = B*B-C in 
                if D > 0.0 then 
                    let t = -B - sqrt(D) in
                    if (t > 0.0) && (t < dist) then
                        let p = r.pos(t) in
                    else NoHit
                else NoHit
type Plane(p:Vec,n:Vec) =
    member s.p = p
    member s.n = n
    interface IGeometry with
        member s.intersect(r:Ray, dist:double)= 
            let d = -vdot(s.p  ,n) in
            let v =  vdot(r.dir,n) in
            if (abs(v) < 1.0e-6) then NoHit
                let t = -(vdot(,s.n) + d) / v in 
                if ( (t > 0.) && (t < dist) ) then
                    let p = r.pos(t) in
                else NoHit
let rnd = System.Random();;    
let spheres = [Sphere(Vec(-2.0,0.0,-3.5),0.5) ; Sphere(Vec(-0.5, 0.0, -3.0), 0.5) ; Sphere(Vec(1.0, 0.0, -2.2), 0.5)];;
let planes = [Plane(Vec(0.0, -0.5, 0.0), Vec(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))];;
let intersection_geometry(g:IGeometry, r:Ray, t:double) =
let rec intersection_list(lst:'a list, info:HitInfo, r:Ray, t:double) =
    match lst with 
        | [] -> info
        | y::ys -> 
            let h = intersection_geometry(y,r,t) in 
            match h with 
                | Hit(d,p,n) -> intersection_list(ys,h,r,d)    
                | NoHit      -> intersection_list(ys,info,r,t)
let intersection(r:Ray, t:double) =
    let h = intersection_list(spheres,NoHit,r,t) in
    match h with
        |Hit(d,p,n) -> intersection_list(planes,h,r,d)
        |NoHit      -> intersection_list(planes,h,r,t)   
let ortho_basis(normal:Vec) =
    let v = Vec(0., 0., 0.)
    let orthoBasis = Array.create 3 v
    orthoBasis.[2] <- normal
    let tmp = 
        if (normal.x < 0.6) && (normal.x > -0.6) then
        elif (normal.y < 0.6) && (normal.y > -0.6) then
        elif (normal.z < 0.6) && (normal.z > -0.6) then
    orthoBasis.[0] <- vnormalize(vcross(tmp, orthoBasis.[2]))
    orthoBasis.[1] <- vnormalize(vcross(orthoBasis.[2], orthoBasis.[0]))

let ambient_occlusion(p:Vec, n:Vec) =
    let ntheta = NAO_SAMPLES
    let nphi   = NAO_SAMPLES
    let eps = 0.0001
    let rp = Vec(p.x+eps*n.x,p.y+eps*n.y,p.z+eps*n.z)
    let basis = ortho_basis(n)
    let mutable count = 0
    for j=0 to ntheta-1 do
        for i=0 to nphi-1 do
            let theta = Math.Sqrt(rnd.NextDouble())
            let phi = 2.0 * Math.PI * rnd.NextDouble()
            let x = Math.Cos(phi) * theta
            let y = Math.Sin(phi) * theta
            let z = Math.Sqrt(1.0 - theta * theta) 
            let dx = x*basis.[0].x + y * basis.[1].x + z * basis.[2].x
            let dy = x*basis.[0].y + y * basis.[1].y + z * basis.[2].y
            let dz = x*basis.[0].z + y * basis.[1].z + z * basis.[2].z
            let rd = Vec(dx,dy,dz)
            let r = Ray(rp,rd)
            let h = intersection(r,10000.0)
            let pc = match h with 
                        | Hit(t,p,n) -> 1
                        | NoHit -> 0
            count <- count + pc
    let occlusionRatio = double(ntheta * nphi - count) / (double)(ntheta * nphi)

let shoot(x:double,y:double) =     
    let t = 10000.0 in
    let r = Ray(Vec(0.,0.,0.),vnormalize(Vec(x,y,-1.))) in
    match intersection(r,t) with
        |Hit(t,p,n) -> ambient_occlusion(p,n)
        |NoHit      -> Vec(0.,0.,0.)
let save_image(pngFilePath:string, width:int, height:int, byteImage:byte array) = 
    let bmp = new Bitmap(width, height,PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
    let bd  = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(), bmp.Size), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);
    Marshal.Copy( byteImage, 0, bd.Scan0, bd.Stride * bmp.Height);

let clamp(c:double) =
        if c < 0.0 then byte(0)
        elif c > 1.0 then byte(255)
        else byte(c*255.)        

let render(byteImage:byte array, width:int, height:int, nsubsamples:int) =
    let w2  = double(width)*0.5
    let h2  = double(height)*0.5     
    let total = width*height*3
    let img = Array.create total 0.0
    for y=0 to height-1 do
        for x=0 to width-1 do
            for v=0 to nsubsamples-1 do
                for u=0 to nsubsamples-1 do
                    let px =  (double(x) + (double(u) / double(nsubsamples)) - w2)/w2
                    let py = -(double(y) + (double(v) / double(nsubsamples)) - h2)/h2
                    let ao = shoot(px,py)
                    let idx = 3*(y*width+x)
                    let r = img.[idx+0]
                    let g = img.[idx+1]
                    let b = img.[idx+2]
                    img.[idx+0] <- r+ao.x
                    img.[idx+1] <- g+ao.y
                    img.[idx+2] <- b+ao.z
            let total = 1.0/double(nsubsamples*nsubsamples)
            let idx = 3*(y*width+x)
            let r = img.[idx+0]
            let g = img.[idx+1]
            let b = img.[idx+2]
            img.[idx+0] <- r*total
            img.[idx+1] <- g*total
            img.[idx+2] <- b*total
            byteImage.[idx+0] <- clamp(img.[idx+0])
            byteImage.[idx+1] <- clamp(img.[idx+1])
            byteImage.[idx+2] <- clamp(img.[idx+2])    

let run() =
    let w = IMAGE_WIDTH
    let h = IMAGE_HEIGHT
    let total = w*h*3
    let b0 = byte(0)
    let img = Array.create total b0
    let sw = Stopwatch()
    render(img, w, h, NSUBSAMPLES)
    Console.WriteLine("Elapsed: {0}[sec]", double(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000.0)
    Console.WriteLine("Hit any key....")
    let c = Console.ReadKey()
